
shape meaning in Hindi

shape    ({noun})आकृति|सूरत|नमूना|आकार|प्रकाशन|रूप
to shape    ({v.t.})मूर्ती बनाना|नियम करना|बिठाना|बनाना|गढना|सांचे में ढालना
shapely    ({adj.})अच्छी शक्ल का|सुडौल|सुरूप

Translations & Examples

shape    (also: cut, diagram, feature, figure, presence)आकृति
shape    (also: mold, mould, guise)सूरत
shape    (also: example, model, paragon, pattern, precedent, prototype, sample, specimen, spice, type)नमूना
shape    (also: aspect, contour, delineation, figure, look, magnitude, plan, semblance, size, stamp)आकार
shape    (also: announcement, disclosure, discovery, display, edition, expression, illumination, issue, manifestation, proclamation)प्रकाशन
shape    (also: appearance, aspect, complexion, contour, countenance, effigy, emblem, feature, figure, look)रूप
to shape    (also: to set, to promise, to stipulate)नियम करना
to shape    (also: to station)बिठाना
to shape    (also: to alter, to model, to qualify, to erect, to fabricate, to form, to found, to frame, to hew, to rescue)बनाना
to shape    (also: to forge, to model, to plate, to fabricate, to frame, to hammer, to hew, to invent, to manufacture)गढना
to shape    सांचे में ढालना
shapely    (also: bonny, elegant, graceful, harmonious, proportional, proportionate, symmetrical)सुडौल
shapely    (also: handsome, pretty)सुरूप

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