
share meaning in Hindi

share    ({noun})हल का लोहा|भाग|हिस्सा|बखरा|हल का फल
to share    ({vb})हिस्सा लेना|भाग करना|शरीक होना|बांटना

Translations & Examples

share    हल का लोहा
share    (also: allotment, branch, component, deal, department, interest, lobe, lot, part, partition)भाग
share    (also: lot, partition, portion, rank, segment)हिस्सा
share    (also: quota)बखरा
share    हल का फल
to share    (also: to allot, to divide, to part)भाग करना
to share    (also: to participate)शरीक होना
to share    (also: to part)बांटना

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