to shear

to shear meaning in Hindi

to shear    ({v.t.})कतरना|काटना|कैंची से काटना
shears    ({noun})कैंची|भारी वस्तु उठाने का एक यंत्र|कतरनी

Translations & Examples

to shear    (also: to mince, to poll, to lop, to pare, to shred, to snip, to snub, to shy)कतरना
to shear    (also: to divide, to expunge, to intercept, to poll, to slit, to thwart, to trash, to truncate, to curtail, to dissect)काटना
to shear    कैंची से काटना
shears    भारी वस्तु उठाने का एक यंत्र
shears    (also: scissors)कतरनी

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