
shed meaning in Hindi

shed    ({noun})सायबान|छप्पर|झोपडा|ओसारी
to shed    ({v.t.})ढलकाना|निकालना|छोडना|बहाना

Translations & Examples

shed    (also: penthouse)सायबान
shed    (also: booth, roof, thatch)छप्पर
shed    झोपडा
shed    ओसारी
to shed    (also: to disbar, to discharge, to issue, to train, to vent, to delete, to derive, to evacuate, to expel, to extract)निकालना
to shed    (also: to discharge, to free, to leave, to miss, to release, to vacate, to vent, to absolve, to deliver, to disclaim)छोडना
to shed    (also: to float, to diffuse, to lave)बहाना

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