to shoot

to shoot meaning in Hindi

to shoot    ({vb})अंकुर निकलना|धडकना|चलाना|झपटना|बाण मारना|खिलना|उन्नति करना|कली निकलना|छोडना|निकलना|गुजरना|गोली मारना|बढना

Translations & Examples

to shoot    अंकुर निकलना
to shoot    (also: to pulsate, to pulse)धडकना
to shoot    (also: to conduct, to issue, to launch, to move, to open, to stir)चलाना
to shoot    (also: to pounce)झपटना
to shoot    बाण मारना
to shoot    खिलना
to shoot    (also: to amend, to improve, to profit, to reform, to advance, to mend, to progress, to rise, to promote)उन्नति करना
to shoot    कली निकलना
to shoot    (also: to cease, to pass, to recede, to spare, to spur)छोडना
to shoot    (also: to spring)निकलना
to shoot    (also: to live)गुजरना
to shoot    गोली मारना
to shoot    (also: to ascend, to improve)बढना

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