
short meaning in Hindi

short    ({adj.})अदीर्घ|न्यून|लघु|छोटा|नाटा|संक्षिप्त|मुख्तसर|संक्षेप|कम|सारांश|अपूर्ण|निकट|पास
shortly    ({adv.})जल्दी में|थोडी देर में|संक्षेप से
shortness    ({noun})छोटाई|कमी
shorts    ({noun})एक प्रकार का जांघिया|भूसी

Translations & Examples

short    अदीर्घ
short    न्यून
short    लघु
short    (also: bald, base, close, inferior, junior, laconic, little, minor, narrow, petty)छोटा
short    नाटा
short    संक्षिप्त
short    मुख्तसर
short    संक्षेप
short    कम
short    सारांश
short    अपूर्ण
short    निकट
short    पास
shortly    थोडी देर में
shortly    संक्षेप से
shortness    (also: abatement, allowance, brevity, dearth, decline, decrease, deduction, defect, deficiency, deficit)कमी
shorts    (also: bran, chaff)भूसी

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