
side meaning in Hindi

side    ({adj.})पक्षीय|बगली|तिरछा|लगे लगे|टेढा|एक ही वंश का|किनारे का
side    ({noun})दल|किनारा|पक्ष|हाशिया|तरफ|बगल|पसली
to side    ({v.t.})पक्ष लेना|पक्ष करना|तरफदारी करना
siding    ({noun})रेल की दूसरी छोटी पटरी

Translations & Examples

side    पक्षीय
side    (also: lateral)बगली
side    (also: skew, slanting, sloping, thwart, cross, traverse)तिरछा
side    लगे लगे
side    (also: averse, awry, bent, devious, indirect, irregular, retroflex, skew, slanting, thwart)टेढा
side    एक ही वंश का
side    (also: lateral, marginal)किनारे का
side    (also: band, blade, commission, horde, legion, pack, troop)दल
side    (also: bank, border, bourn, brim, brink, brow, coast, edge, extremity, flank)किनारा
side    (also: cause, favor, favour, flank, hand, part, plume, predilection, protection, behoof)पक्ष
side    (also: margin, rim)हाशिया
side    तरफ
side    बगल
side    पसली
to side    (also: to prejudice)पक्ष करना
to side    तरफदारी करना

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