
single meaning in Hindi

single    ({adj.})न्यारा|कुंवारा|स्वच्छ|अविवाहित|केवल|अलग|एक|अकेला
to single    ({v.t.})चुनना|छांटना
singly    ({adv.})अकेला|सच्चाई से|एक एक कर के|खराई से

Translations & Examples

single    न्यारा
single    कुंवारा
single    (also: crystalline, fair, neat, prim, quaint, simple, sincere, soft, tidy, translucent)स्वच्छ
single    (also: asunder, detached, different, dissimilar, distant, distinct, exclusive, outlying, separate, several)अलग
single    (also: individual, sole, united)एक
single    (also: individual, insular, lone, lonely, lonesome, recluse, simple, singular, sole, solitary)अकेला
to single    (also: to truncate, to assort, to beat, to curtail, to extract, to garble, to hew, to lop, to mutilate, to pare)छांटना
singly    (also: sincerely)सच्चाई से
singly    एक एक कर के
singly    खराई से

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