
skip meaning in Hindi

skip    ({noun})छूट|उछल|चूक|भूल|कूद|फलांग
to skip    ({v.t.})उछलना|भूल जाना|छोड जाना|कूदना|भूल करना

Translations & Examples

skip    (also: discount, exclusion, omission)छूट
skip    (also: spring, spurt)उछल
skip    (also: collapse, delinquency, deviation, inaccuracy, lapse, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, miss, omission, oversight)चूक
skip    (also: aberration, amnesia, deviation, fault, gear, illusion, inaccuracy, inattention, miss, mistake)भूल
skip    (also: hop, ramp, sally, spring)कूद
skip    (also: bolt, ramp, spring, start, stride)फलांग
to skip    (also: to slight, to neglect, to omit, to fade from the memory)भूल जाना
to skip    (also: to omit, to overlook)छोड जाना
to skip    (also: to jump, to leap, to ramp)कूदना
to skip    (also: to slip, to mistake)भूल करना

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