
slack meaning in Hindi

slack    ({noun})राख आदि|कोयले का चूरा
slack    ({adj.})मन्द|निर्बल|सुस्त|ढीला

Translations & Examples

slack    राख आदि
slack    कोयले का चूरा
slack    (also: dim, heavy, humdrum, sedentary, slow, stupid, tardy, torpid, laggard)मन्द
slack    (also: decrepit, faint, feeble, flimsy, incapable, languid, slender, slight, slim, small)निर्बल
slack    (also: asleep, dormant, dull, humdrum, idle, inactive, inert, languid, late, lazy)सुस्त
slack    (also: flabby, fluid, incoherent, lax, loose, slow, sluggish, stupid, tardy, tedious)ढीला

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