
slanderous meaning in Hindi

slanderous    ({adj.})मिथ्या|झूठा|मिथ्यावादक|निन्दक|कलंकी
slander    ({noun})बदनामी|अपवाद|अपयश|कलंक
to slander    ({v.t.})बदनामी करना|दोष लगाना|झूठा कलंक लगाना|अपयश देना|अपवाद करना

Translations & Examples

slanderous    (also: apparent, erroneous, hollow, insubstantial, untrue)मिथ्या
slanderous    (also: bastard, counterfeit, fallacious, false, hollow, insincere, insubstantial, mock, null, sham)झूठा
slanderous    मिथ्यावादक
slanderous    (also: satirical)निन्दक
slanderous    कलंकी
slander    (also: aspersion, censure, defamation, exception, invective, scandal)अपवाद
slander    (also: defamation, disgrace, disrepute, infamy, stain)अपयश
slander    (also: blame, blemish, blur, censure, disgrace, flaw, infamy, smear, spot, stain)कलंक
to slander    (also: to impeach, to accuse, to libel, to indict, to reproach, to spatter, to decry, to hole)दोष लगाना
to slander    झूठा कलंक लगाना
to slander    अपयश देना
to slander    (also: to vilify, to defame, to spatter)अपवाद करना

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