
slant meaning in Hindi

slant    ({noun})तिरछा|झुका हुआ|टेढा
to slant    ({v.t.})तिरछा करना
to slant    ({v.i.})तिरछा होना
to slant    ({vb})ढालू होना
slanting    ({adj.})झुका हुआ|तिरछा|टेढा

Translations & Examples

slant    तिरछा
slant    झुका हुआ
slant    टेढा
to slant    तिरछा होना
to slant    (also: to shelve, to slope, to dip)ढालू होना
slanting    (also: skew, sloping, thwart, cross, side, traverse)तिरछा
slanting    (also: averse, awry, bent, devious, indirect, irregular, retroflex, skew, thwart, winding)टेढा

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