
slip meaning in Hindi

slip    ({noun})फिसल|टुकडा|खसक|गलती|पट्टी|भूल|डाली
to slip    ({vb})कलम करना|भूल करना|खिसकना|फिसलना|बिना जाने निकल जाना|चूकना

Translations & Examples

slip    फिसल
slip    (also: bit, branch, chip, chop, component, crumb, dole, factor, flake, fraction)टुकडा
slip    खसक
slip    (also: error, inaccuracy, lapse, miss, mistake)गलती
slip    (also: band, bandage, blind, bob, brace, dressing, farm, garter, leash, lint)पट्टी
slip    (also: aberration, amnesia, deviation, fault, gear, illusion, inaccuracy, inattention, miss, mistake)भूल
slip    (also: bough, branch, limb, offset, ramification, stalk, twig)डाली
to slip    (also: to mistake, to skip)भूल करना
to slip    (also: to retreat, to shirk)खिसकना
to slip    फिसलना
to slip    बिना जाने निकल जाना
to slip    (also: to lose)चूकना

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