
slippery meaning in Hindi

slippery    ({adj.})अपवित्र|अस्थिर|अनिश्चित|चिकना

Translations & Examples

slippery    (also: filthy, impure, profane, unholy)अपवित्र
slippery    (also: erratic, fleeting, infirm, mobile, shaky, ticklish, undetermined, unsettled, unstable, unsteady)अस्थिर
slippery    (also: contingent, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, loose, precarious, problematic, uncertain, unlimited, unsettled)अनिश्चित
slippery    (also: bland, fat, glassy, glib, glossy, greasy, mucous, oily, plain, sleek)चिकना

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