
slope meaning in Hindi

slope    ({noun})ढलान|झुकाव|ढाल
to slope    ({vb})झुकना|झुकाना|ढालू होना
sloping    ({adj.})ढालू|ढलुआ|झुका हुआ|तिरछा|क्रमशः निम्न

Translations & Examples

slope    ढलान
slope    (also: bent, bias, inclination, penchant, predisposition, propensity, strain, tendency, tilt, trend)झुकाव
slope    (also: ascent, cadence, descent, hang, lapse, shield)ढाल
to slope    (also: to curve, to spring, to strike, to crook, to slouch)झुकाना
to slope    (also: to shelve, to slant, to dip)ढालू होना
sloping    ढलुआ
sloping    (also: apt, bent, oblique, prone, slanting, squat)झुका हुआ
sloping    (also: skew, slanting, thwart, cross, side, traverse)तिरछा
sloping    क्रमशः निम्न

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