
small meaning in Hindi

small    ({noun})किसी वस्तु का छोटा या पतला भाग
small    ({adj.})निर्बल|छोटा|क्षुद्र|लघु|कम|छोटी|अल्प|थोडा|नीच

Translations & Examples

small    किसी वस्तु का छोटा या पतला भाग
small    (also: decrepit, faint, feeble, flimsy, incapable, languid, slack, slender, slight, slim)निर्बल
small    (also: bald, base, close, inferior, junior, laconic, little, minor, narrow, petty)छोटा
small    (also: insignificant, minor, petty, puny)क्षुद्र
small    (also: brief, concise, insignificant, laconic, minor, petty, succinct, lesser)लघु
small    (also: brief, curt, incapable, insufficient, minor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparing, sparse)कम
small    छोटी
small    (also: concise, curt)अल्प
small    (also: diminutive, few, little, meager, meagre, moderate, scant, scanty, superficial, wanting)थोडा
small    (also: abject, banal, base, contemptible, cowardly, craven, degenerate, despicable, dirty, dishonourable)नीच

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