
smear meaning in Hindi

smear    ({noun})कलंक|चिकनी वस्तु|मरहम|धब्बा|दाग
to smear    ({v.t.})लेसना|लगाना|मैला करना|चुपडना|पोतना

Translations & Examples

smear    (also: blame, blemish, blur, censure, disgrace, flaw, infamy, slander, spot, stain)कलंक
smear    चिकनी वस्तु
smear    (also: ointment, salve)मरहम
smear    (also: blot, flaw, fleck, speck, spot, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish)धब्बा
smear    (also: blot, blur, brand, scar, seam, slur, stain, tarnish)दाग
to smear    (also: to adjoin, to administer, to bed, to engage, to fix, to place, to set, to affix, to append, to apply)लगाना
to smear    (also: to grime, to mire, to sully, to taint, to tarnish, to muddle, to soil)मैला करना
to smear    (also: to dab)चुपडना
to smear    (also: to plaster, to daub)पोतना

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