
smooth meaning in Hindi

smooth    ({adj.})चिकना|मृदु|सम|चमकीला|सरल|मधुर भाषी
to smooth    ({v.t.})चिकना करना|सुगम करना|खुशामद करना|सम करना|शान्त करना
smoothness    ({noun})चिकनाई

Translations & Examples

smooth    (also: bland, fat, glassy, glib, glossy, greasy, mucous, oily, plain, sleek)चिकना
smooth    (also: dainty, meek, peaceful, sweet)मृदु
smooth    (also: equal, equivalent, even, flat, right, coordinate)सम
smooth    (also: bright, glaring, glossy, golden, light, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent)चमकीला
smooth    (also: direct, easy, elementary, ingenuous, innocent, light, prompt, right, running, simple)सरल
smooth    (also: affable, fair-spoken)मधुर भाषी
to smooth    (also: to facilitate)सुगम करना
to smooth    (also: to flatter)खुशामद करना
to smooth    (also: to equalize)सम करना
to smooth    (also: to still, to allay, to appease, to ease, to pacify, to soothe, to pour oil on troubled waters)शान्त करना

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