
soft meaning in Hindi

soft    ({adj.})चिकना|सुकुमार|स्वच्छ|कोमल|मुलायम|नर्म|धीमा|नरम|मधुर

Translations & Examples

soft    (also: bland, fat, glassy, glib, glossy, greasy, mucous, oily, plain, sleek)चिकना
soft    (also: delicate, gentle, sore, squeamish, tender, fairy)सुकुमार
soft    (also: crystalline, fair, neat, prim, quaint, simple, sincere, single, tidy, translucent)स्वच्छ
soft    (also: bland, clement, delicate, feminine, fine, gentle, lenient, meek, melodious, mild)कोमल
soft    (also: compliant, facile, feminine, flexible, fragile, frail, lenient, lithe, mealy, mellow)मुलायम
soft    (also: crummy, flexible, frail, lax, lenient, lithe, malleable, silky, sweet, tender)नर्म
soft    (also: gentle, heavy, leaden, low, serene, slow, sluggish, tardy, tedious, weak)धीमा
soft    (also: bland, placid, supple)नरम
soft    (also: delicious, mellow, melodious, suave, sweet)मधुर

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