
solace meaning in Hindi

solace    ({noun})धीरज|सांत्वना|ढाढस|विनोद|आश्वासन|मन बहलाव
to solace    ({v.t.})शांत करना|सांत्वना देना|धीरज देना|आराम देना

Translations & Examples

solace    (also: endurance, patience, perseverance, stability, tranquility, tranquillity)धीरज
solace    सांत्वना
solace    (also: assurance, comfort, consolation, pluck)ढाढस
solace    (also: amusement, humor, humour)विनोद
solace    (also: assurance, comfort, consolation)आश्वासन
solace    (also: amusement, sport)मन बहलाव
to solace    सांत्वना देना
to solace    (also: to quiet)धीरज देना
to solace    (also: to unbend, to refresh, to relieve)आराम देना

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