
sorrowful meaning in Hindi

sorrowful    ({adj.})खिन्न|खेदयुक्त|शोकार्त|गमगीन|उदास
sorrow    ({noun})दुःख|खेद|अफ़सोस|शोक|गम
to sorrow    ({v.i.})दुःखी होना|उदासी छाना|शोक करना

Translations & Examples

sorrowful    (also: sad)खिन्न
sorrowful    खेदयुक्त
sorrowful    (also: sorry)शोकार्त
sorrowful    गमगीन
sorrowful    (also: black, bleak, cloudy, dismal, down, dreary, dusky, gloomy, lax, listless)उदास
sorrow    (also: disease, displeasure, regret)खेद
sorrow    (also: regret, remorse)अफ़सोस
sorrow    (also: affliction, anguish, bitterness, complaint, gloom, grief, lament, moan, mourning, qualm)शोक
sorrow    गम
to sorrow    उदासी छाना
to sorrow    (also: to moan, to mourn, to rue, to regret, to deplore, to lament)शोक करना

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