
sort meaning in Hindi

sort    ({noun})जाति|भांति|प्रकार|अक्षरों का मेल|ढंग
to sort    ({vb})जोडना|क्रम से अलग अलग करना|क्रमबद्ध करना|छांटना|चुनना|जोड होना

Translations & Examples

sort    (also: caste, clan, community, feather, gender, genus, kin, kind, kingdom, nation)जाति
sort    (also: color, colour, kind, manner, species)भांति
sort    (also: breeding, class, kind, mode, nature, rampart, species, type)प्रकार
sort    अक्षरों का मेल
sort    (also: breeding, carriage, demeanour, diction, expression, gait, habit, line, manner, method)ढंग
to sort    क्रम से अलग अलग करना
to sort    (also: to range)क्रमबद्ध करना
to sort    (also: to clip, to range, to rank, to prune)छांटना
to sort    (also: to crease, to cull, to vote)चुनना
to sort    जोड होना

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