
space meaning in Hindi

space    ({noun})अन्तर|स्थान|जगह|प्रसार|दूरी|आकाश|फैलाव
to space    ({v.t.})बराबर अन्तर पर लगाना

Translations & Examples

space    (also: antithesis, break, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, distance, distinction, interim, interval, solution)अन्तर
space    (also: accommodation, degree, establishment, latitude, locality, location, place, position, post, posture)स्थान
space    (also: accommodation, locality, place, position, post, room, scope, site, spot, stand)जगह
space    (also: dispersion, expanse, expansion, stretch, sweep)प्रसार
space    (also: distance, way)दूरी
space    (also: air, blue, ether, heaven, sky)आकाश
space    (also: expanse, expansion, tension, volume, wind)फैलाव

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