
spare meaning in Hindi

spare    ({adj.})थोडा|दुर्बल|अल्प व्ययी|मित व्ययी|कम
to spare    ({vb})बचाना|छोडना|त्यागना|दया करना|क्षमा करना
to spare    ({v.i.})रुकना
to spare    ({v.t.})रोकना
sparing    ({adj.})संचयी|कम खर्च|कृपालु|बचाने वाला|दयाशील|कम

Translations & Examples

spare    (also: diminutive, few, little, meager, meagre, moderate, scant, scanty, small, superficial)थोडा
spare    (also: faint, feeble, frail, impotent, infirm, invalid, meager, meagre, powerless, sappy)दुर्बल
spare    अल्प व्ययी
spare    मित व्ययी
spare    (also: brief, curt, incapable, insufficient, minor, scant, scanty, scarce, small, sparing)कम
to spare    (also: to cease, to pass, to recede, to shoot, to spur)छोडना
to spare    त्यागना
to spare    (also: to prosper, to support, to pity, to relent)दया करना
to spare    (also: to absolve, to excuse, to forgive, to justify, to overlook, to pardon, to remit)क्षमा करना
to spare    (also: to stagnate, to pause, to stop, to stand, to cease, to anchor, to discontinue)रुकना
to spare    (also: to curb, to dam, to dike, to discontinue, to fetter, to foreclose, to intercept, to interdict, to keep, to let)रोकना
sparing    कम खर्च
sparing    (also: benign, friendly, gracious, humane, kind, merciful, neighborly, neighbourly, propitious)कृपालु
sparing    (also: frugal)बचाने वाला
sparing    (also: benign, clement, gracious)दयाशील
sparing    (also: brief, curt, incapable, insufficient, minor, scant, scanty, scarce, small, sparse)कम

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