
speech meaning in Hindi

speech    ({noun})बोलचाल|वाणी|वाक शक्ति|बातचीत|भाषा|व्याख्यान|बोली|वर्णन|भाषण

Translations & Examples

speech    (also: communication, parley, talk)बोलचाल
speech    (also: voice)वाणी
speech    वाक शक्ति
speech    (also: chit-chat, chitchat, commune, conference, conversation, dialogue, discourse, parlance, parley, talk)बातचीत
speech    (also: accent, language, tongue, voice)भाषा
speech    (also: address, dissertation, lecture, recital, statement, text, say)व्याख्यान
speech    (also: bidding, dialect, language, tongue, voice)बोली
speech    (also: account, affirmation, declaration, delineation, description, dictum, essay, explanation, harangue, illustration)वर्णन
speech    (also: address, dialect)भाषण

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