
speed meaning in Hindi

speed    ({noun})दौड|हडबडी|जल्दी|शीघ्रता|गति
to speed    ({vb})जल्दी करना|सहायता करना|फलीभूत होना|जल्द भेज देना

Translations & Examples

speed    (also: career, course, rink, run, sally, scamper, sweep, scud)दौड
speed    (also: flurry, haste, hubbub, stir, welter)हडबडी
speed    (also: haste, hurry, quickness, rapidity, velocity)जल्दी
speed    (also: acceleration, activity, expedition, fuss, haste, hurry, quickness, rapidity, velocity)शीघ्रता
speed    (also: career, circumstance, habit, motion, movement, predicament, resource, transit, transition, velocity)गति
to speed    (also: to aid, to help, to protect, to succour, to support, to prompt, to relieve, to serve, to succor, to uphold)सहायता करना
to speed    फलीभूत होना
to speed    जल्द भेज देना

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