
spirited meaning in Hindi

spirited    ({adj.})सजीव|प्रफुल्लित|जोशीला|साहसी|तीव्र
spirit    ({noun})जीव|मदिरा|सांस|मद्यसार|उत्साह|भावार्थ|स्वभाव|भूत|आत्मा|छाया|तात्पर्य

Translations & Examples

spirited    (also: alive, lively, living, vivacious)सजीव
spirited    (also: blessed, buoyant, jubilant, vivacious)प्रफुल्लित
spirited    (also: rapturous)जोशीला
spirited    (also: adventurous, audacious, brave, confident, courageous, dashing, enterprising, fearless, gallant, hardy)साहसी
spirited    (also: acid, acute, ardent, corrosive, intense, keen, penetrating, subtle)तीव्र
spirit    (also: beverage, infusion, liquor, shrub, whiskey, whisky, wine)मदिरा
spirit    (also: breath, inspiration, wind)सांस
spirit    मद्यसार
spirit    (also: alacrity, ardour, ecstasy, enthusiasm, fervour, fire, gusto, rapture, verve, warmth)उत्साह
spirit    (also: tenor)भावार्थ
spirit    (also: character, complexion, constitution, disposition, faculty, habit, humor, humour, mood, nature)स्वभाव
spirit    (also: apparition, demon, devil, ghost, imp, phantom, shadow, specter, spectre, spook)भूत
spirit    (also: ghost, self, soul)आत्मा
spirit    (also: apparition, image, phantom, shade, shadow, specter, spectre, umbrage, vision)छाया
spirit    (also: gist, implication, meaning, sense, subject, tendency, tenor)तात्पर्य

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