
spiteful meaning in Hindi

spiteful    ({adj.})द्रोही|डाही|द्वेषी
spite    ({noun})द्रोह|द्वेष|विरोध|बैर
to spite    ({v.t.})द्वेष करना|चिढना|घृणा करना

Translations & Examples

spiteful    (also: malevolent, malicious, malignant, rancorous, virulent)द्रोही
spiteful    डाही
spiteful    (also: cynic, envious, malicious, rancorous, resentful, venomous)द्वेषी
spite    (also: aversion, bitterness, dislike, envy, hate, hatred, malice, spleen, venom)द्वेष
spite    (also: antagonism, antipathy, antithesis, aversion, clash, collision, combat, conflict, contradiction, contrast)विरोध
spite    (also: strife)बैर
to spite    चिढना
to spite    (also: to disgust, to dislike, to nauseate, to abhor, to detest, to disdain, to hate, to loathe, to scorn, to spurn)घृणा करना

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