
splendid meaning in Hindi

splendid    ({adj.})चटकीला|भडकीला|चमकीला|धूमधाम का|विशाल

Translations & Examples

splendid    (also: brilliant, deep, flashy, gay, jaunty, live)चटकीला
splendid    (also: brilliant, flashy, florid, gaudy, gorgeous, jaunty, showy, tawdry)भडकीला
splendid    (also: bright, glaring, glossy, golden, light, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent)चमकीला
splendid    धूमधाम का
splendid    (also: ample, extensive, grand, huge, immeasurable, magnificent, palatial, princely, proud, roomy)विशाल

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