
sport meaning in Hindi

sport    ({noun})मन बहलाव|खेल|हंसी|शिकार|खिलौना|खेल कूद|छल

Translations & Examples

sport    (also: amusement, solace)मन बहलाव
sport    (also: athletics, diversion, fun, game, play, rig, tournament)खेल
sport    (also: banter, flirt, grin, humor, humour, jest, joke, laugh, laughter, ridicule)हंसी
sport    (also: game, hunt, quarry, scent)शिकार
sport    (also: bauble, knack, toy)खिलौना
sport    (also: entertainment)खेल कूद
sport    (also: artifice, chicanery, craft, deceit, deception, double, duplicity, evasion, fraud, gammon)छल

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