
spot meaning in Hindi

spot    ({noun})दोष|कलंक|बिन्दु|स्थान|चित्ती|जगह|धब्बा

Translations & Examples

spot    (also: aspersion, blame, blemish, blunder, censure, crime, defect, deficiency, delinquency, drawback)दोष
spot    (also: blame, blemish, blur, censure, disgrace, flaw, infamy, slander, smear, stain)कलंक
spot    (also: cipher, point)बिन्दु
spot    (also: accommodation, degree, establishment, latitude, locality, location, place, position, post, posture)स्थान
spot    (also: blur, fleck, speck)चित्ती
spot    (also: accommodation, locality, place, position, post, room, scope, site, space, stand)जगह
spot    (also: blot, flaw, fleck, smear, speck, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish)धब्बा

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