
spur meaning in Hindi

spur    ({noun})उत्साहन|उकसाव|ठोकर|प्रोत्साहन|गांठ|कांटा
to spur    ({vb})उसकाना|दौडना|छोडना

Translations & Examples

spur    उत्साहन
spur    उकसाव
spur    (also: dash, percussion, stumble, trip)ठोकर
spur    (also: encouragement, furtherance, promotion)प्रोत्साहन
spur    (also: bulb, bump, bunch, hunch)गांठ
spur    (also: barb, fork, hook, prick, prong, spine, thorn)कांटा
to spur    (also: to whip)दौडना
to spur    (also: to cease, to pass, to recede, to shoot, to spare)छोडना

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