
spurt meaning in Hindi

spurt    ({noun})उछल|वेग से निकास|प्रचंड प्रयत्न
to spurt    ({v.i.})फूट निकलना|बह निकलना|निकलना|फूटना|उछलना
to spurt    ({v.t.})निकालना|उछालना

Translations & Examples

spurt    (also: skip, spring)उछल
spurt    वेग से निकास
spurt    प्रचंड प्रयत्न
to spurt    (also: to abound, to gush, to inundate)बह निकलना
to spurt    (also: to derive, to descend, to issue, to originate, to pour, to rise, to well, to emanate, to emerge, to accrue)निकलना
to spurt    (also: to fork, to explode, to ray)फूटना
to spurt    (also: to frisk, to rise, to prance, to scuttle)उछलना
to spurt    (also: to disbar, to discharge, to issue, to train, to vent, to delete, to derive, to evacuate, to expel, to extract)निकालना
to spurt    (also: to flirt, to hurl)उछालना

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