
surly meaning in Hindi

surly    ({adj.})उदास|कठोर|असभ्य|रूखा

Translations & Examples

surly    (also: black, bleak, cloudy, dismal, down, dreary, dusky, gloomy, lax, listless)उदास
surly    (also: austere, bitter, bloodless, bloody, brutal, brute, callous, caustic, ferocious, grating)कठोर
surly    (also: abrupt, barbarian, barbarous, brutal, coarse, disrespectful, feral, homely, impolite, rough)असभ्य
surly    (also: austere, bleak, blunt, cold, distant, gruff, homely, husky, impolite, inclement)रूखा

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