
surroundings meaning in Hindi

surroundings    ({noun})घेरा|परिवेश|घेराव|चारों ओर की वस्तुयें|बाहरी दशा या परिस्थिति
to surround    ({v.t.})गांसना|घेरना|बाडा लगाना

Translations & Examples

surroundings    (also: boundary, circle, circuit, circumference, compass, compound, fence, girth, hoop, investment)घेरा
surroundings    परिवेश
surroundings    घेराव
surroundings    चारों ओर की वस्तुयें
surroundings    बाहरी दशा या परिस्थिति
to surround    (also: to girdle, to hem, to invest, to lock, to encircle, to entangle, to envelop, to gird, to hedge, to involve)घेरना
to surround    बाडा लगाना

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