
suspension meaning in Hindi

suspension    ({noun})लटकाव|थोडे दिन के लिये रुकावट|रोक|विलम्ब
suspense    ({noun})रोक|शक|देर|दुविधा|सन्देह|अनिश्चय|लटकाव

Translations & Examples

suspension    (also: suspense)लटकाव
suspension    थोडे दिन के लिये रुकावट
suspension    (also: clog, control, cramp, curb, delay, hitch, let, limit, limitation, obstacle)रोक
suspension    (also: delay, detention, lateness, respite)विलम्ब
suspense    (also: doubt, misgiving, mistrust, scruple)शक
suspense    (also: lateness, postponement, procrastination)देर
suspense    (also: dilemma, doubt, hesitation, scrupulosity)दुविधा
suspense    (also: hesitation, jealousy, misgiving, mistrust, surmise, suspicion)सन्देह
suspense    (also: fluctuation, vacillation, uncertain)अनिश्चय
suspense    (also: suspension)लटकाव

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