
sustainable meaning in Hindi

sustainable    ({adj.})टिकाऊ
sustainability    ({noun})निरंतरता
to sustain    ({v.t.})सिद्ध करना|उठाना|थामना|सहारा देना|सहना|पालना|झेलना|प्रमाणित करना|पोषण करना

Translations & Examples

sustainable    टिकाऊ
to sustain    (also: to brook, to elevate, to lift, to pick up, to support, to uplift, to vacate, to arouse, to erect, to hoist)उठाना
to sustain    (also: to rein, to stanch, to bite, to grasp, to take, to uphold)थामना
to sustain    (also: to aid, to back, to brace, to support, to bolster, to encourage, to espouse, to favour, to reinforce, to second)सहारा देना
to sustain    (also: to bide, to brook, to bear, to undergo, to stomach, to abide)सहना
to sustain    (also: to keep, to support, to nurse, to tame, to foster, to breed, to nourish)पालना
to sustain    (also: to undergo)झेलना
to sustain    (also: to establish, to verify, to authenticate, to authorize, to demonstrate, to legalize, to ratify, to legalise, to subscribe)प्रमाणित करना
to sustain    पोषण करना

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