
swallow meaning in Hindi

swallow    ({noun})पसन्द|अबाबील|चाह|स्वाद|गला
to swallow    ({v.t.})पी लेना|निगलना|खा जाना|लीलना

Translations & Examples

swallow    (also: choice, option, palate, pick, preference, selection)पसन्द
swallow    अबाबील
swallow    (also: aspiration, attachment, avidity, courtship, demand, disposition, expectation, fancy, inclination, liking)चाह
swallow    (also: flavour, palate, race, relish, salt, savor, savour, season, smack, taste)स्वाद
swallow    (also: neck, throat)गला
to swallow    (also: to gulp, to mouth, to devour, to take, jaunty)निगलना
to swallow    खा जाना
to swallow    लीलना

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