
tasteful meaning in Hindi

tasteful    ({adj.})स्वाद|कौशल युक्त|स्वादिष्ट|सुस्वाद|रुचिकर|मनोहर
taste    ({noun})ढंग|शैली|अभिरुचि|समझ|आस्वादन|रसज्ञान|रुचि|स्वाद|पसंद
to taste    ({vb})स्वाद लेना|जानना|चखना|मज़ा लेना|आस्वादन करना

Translations & Examples

tasteful    स्वाद
tasteful    कौशल युक्त
tasteful    (also: delicate, delicious, neat, palatable, racy, rich, savory, savoury, tasty)स्वादिष्ट
tasteful    (also: palatable)सुस्वाद
tasteful    (also: delicious, fancy, palatable, pleasant, savory, savoury, sweet)रुचिकर
tasteful    (also: attractive, delightful, desirable, elegant, engaging, fancy, grateful, interesting, lovely, picturesque)मनोहर
taste    (also: style)शैली
taste    (also: option, zest)अभिरुचि
taste    (also: brain, discretion, discrimination, head, idea, intellect, intelligence, mind, opinion, penetration)समझ
taste    (also: enjoyment)आस्वादन
taste    रसज्ञान
taste    (also: appetite, bent, disposition, humor, humour, inclination, love, mind, palate, penchant)रुचि
taste    (also: flavour, palate, race, relish, salt, savor, savour, season, smack, swallow)स्वाद
taste    (also: volition, will)पसंद
to taste    (also: to perceive, to realise, to realize, to tell, to understand)जानना
to taste    (also: to relish)चखना
to taste    मज़ा लेना
to taste    (also: to relish)आस्वादन करना

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