
telling meaning in Hindi

telling    ({adj.})प्रभाव पूर्ण
to tell    ({vb})पता लगाना|सिखाना|कहना|जानना|वर्णन करना|बतलाना|प्रकट करना|गिनना|समाचार देना

Translations & Examples

telling    प्रभाव पूर्ण
to tell    सिखाना
to tell    (also: to communicate, to inform, to phrase, to recite, to relate, to report, to speak, to predicate, to remark, to story)कहना
to tell    (also: to perceive, to realise, to realize, to taste, to understand)जानना
to tell    (also: to aver, to interpret, to relate, to report, to signify, to treat, to declare, to define, to delineate, to demonstrate)वर्णन करना
to tell    (also: to communicate, to inform, to offer, to point, to prescribe, to show, to connote)बतलाना
to tell    (also: to air, to discover, to evidence, to indicate, to signify, to vent, to accent, to betray, to declare, to disclose)प्रकट करना
to tell    (also: to calculate, to compute, to count, to reckon)गिनना
to tell    समाचार देना

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