
temper meaning in Hindi

temper    ({noun})आदतों की मिलावट|मिजाज|रोष|प्रवृति|बान|स्वभाव
to temper    ({v.t.})मिलाना|कोमल करना|नर्म करना
temperate    ({adj.})समशीतोष्ण|मध्यम|परिमित|शान्त|शीलवन्त|संयमी
temperance    ({noun})संतुलन|परहेज़|मिताचार|मिताहार|प्रशांति

Translations & Examples

temper    आदतों की मिलावट
temper    मिजाज
temper    (also: anger, indignation, offence, offense, rage, resentment, umbrage, wrath)रोष
temper    (also: habit, tendency)प्रवृति
temper    बान
temper    (also: character, complexion, constitution, disposition, faculty, habit, humor, humour, mood, nature)स्वभाव
to temper    (also: to soften)कोमल करना
to temper    (also: to melt, to mollify)नर्म करना
temperate    (also: mean, medium, middling, moderate, lag)मध्यम
temperate    (also: definite, finite, limited, narrow, parochial, qualified, reasonable)परिमित
temperate    (also: calm, demure, dispassionate, moderate, pacific, peaceful, serene, sober, still, unruffled)शान्त
temperate    (also: amiable, benevolent)शीलवन्त
temperate    (also: sober)संयमी
temperance    (also: abstinence, sobriety)परहेज़
temperance    मिताचार
temperance    मिताहार
temperance    प्रशांति

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