
twine meaning in Hindi

twine    ({noun})डोरा|सुतली|रस्सी
to twine    ({vb})बटना|लपेटना|मरोडना|ऐंठना|घूमना

Translations & Examples

twine    (also: staple, thread)डोरा
twine    (also: string)सुतली
twine    (also: chord, cord, lash, rope, string, tether)रस्सी
to twine    (also: to coil, to complicate, to corrugate, to intertwine, to tuck, to wind, to crust)लपेटना
to twine    (also: to contort, to convulse, to tweak, to wring, to twinge)मरोडना
to twine    (also: to contort, to convulse, to crimp, to wring, to yearn)ऐंठना
to twine    (also: to revolve, to rotate, to swim, to wheel, to whirl)घूमना

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