
vacant meaning in Hindi

vacant    ({adj.})खाली|शून्य|बेकार|जिसमें कोई न हो|असावधान|विचारहीन

Translations & Examples

vacant    (also: addle, bare, blank, concave, empty, forlorn, hollow, inane, unoccupied, vacuous)खाली
vacant    (also: blank, devoid, empty, unoccupied, vacuous, vain, void, windy)शून्य
vacant    (also: idle, inactive, inane, ineffectual, inefficient, jobless, needless, unemployed, unoccupied, useless)बेकार
vacant    जिसमें कोई न हो
vacant    (also: careless, foolhardy, forgetful, giddy, imprudent, inadvertent, inattentive, listless, negligent, perfunctory)असावधान
vacant    (also: thoughtless)विचारहीन

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