
wag meaning in Hindi

wag    ({noun})मसखरा|हंसोड|ठठोलिया
to wag    ({vb})डोलना|चलना
to wag    ({v.i.})हिलना
to wag    ({v.t.})हिलाना

Translations & Examples

wag    (also: clown, harlequin, jester, joker, punch, quiz, zany)मसखरा
wag    (also: joker)हंसोड
wag    (also: humorist)ठठोलिया
to wag    (also: to endure, to move, to shift, to travel, to wear)चलना
to wag    (also: to budge, to bob, to rock, to vibrate, to swing)हिलना
to wag    (also: to dangle, to flirt, to jar, to jolt, to rock, to shake, to subdue, to trouble, to wield, to swing)हिलाना

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