want | (also: affliction, ailment, anguish, annoyance, cross, discomfort, grievance, pang, persecution, rack) | कष्ट |
want | (also: privation, scarcity) | तंगी |
want | (also: impoverishment, necessity, need, poverty) | दरिद्रता |
want | (also: ascendancy, authority, consequence, effect, efficacy, emphasis, execution, importance, impulse, influence) | प्रभाव |
want | (also: abatement, allowance, brevity, dearth, decline, decrease, deduction, defect, deficiency, deficit) | कमी |
want | (also: requisite) | आवश्यक वस्तु |
want | (also: importance, lack, necessity, need, press, pressure, requirement, use) | आवश्यकता |
to want | | आवश्यकता होना |
to want | (also: to dwindle) | कम होना |
wanting | (also: except, save, saving) | सिवाय |
wanting | (also: diminutive, few, little, meager, meagre, moderate, scant, scanty, small, superficial) | थोडा |
wanting | (also: absent, missing) | अनुपस्थित |
wanting | (also: brief, curt, incapable, insufficient, minor, scant, scanty, scarce, small, sparing) | कम |